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Water Test
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which causes a wide variety of developmental , neurological and kidney problems can be found in water. Some city water treatment facilities have lead in valves, gaskets, distribution mains and service lines. As you might expect some older homes have original lead plumbing, but surprisingly, many new homes also pose a risk, as excessive leaching from leaded solder and brass fixtures, such as faucets, can happen for the first year. [Lead Test Instructions]Have you ever tested your tap water? Even if you don’t drink tap water, chances are you cook, bathe and brush your teeth with it, and could be allowing contaminants into your system and that of your children. You owe it to yourself and you family to know the state of your tap water that your children have free access to. With this WaterSafe test kit city dwellers who get their water from a municipality can obtain inexpensive and accurate test result at home. Now you can be armed with information that you can used to buy the appropriate water filtration system for your family or see if the filter that you have is getting the job done.
This do-it-yourself test kit allows you to check your drinking water for eight common contaminants. The Watersafe® All-In-One is fast, accurate, easy to use, and produce results on the spot. Chronic exposure to chemical contaminants are particularly dangerous and these toxins are highly insidious, causing damage over months and years, often with serious or deadly effects. Water contaminants can be man-made or naturally occurring. The Watersafe® All-In-One can be used to test for the following eight contaminants :
Bacteria contaminated water may not smell or taste bad. Bacteria in drinking water contaminated by human waste has been linked to illnesses such as typhoid, dysentery, cholera, and hepatitis. When an area is flooded due to persistent rains, the sewage treatment systems can get overwhelmed and contaminate the drinking water supply. To learn more and read the [Bacteria Test Instructions]
Pesticides have been discovered in every large watershed in the US and in a large percentage of groundwater wells and have been l
Nitrates/Nitrites although low levels of nitrates may occur naturally in water, sometimes higher levels, which are potentially dangerous to infants, are found in water. Nitrates may cause methemologlobinemi, a condition known as “blue baby” and other developmental problems. In 1992, when the survey was released, some 22,500 infants drinking domestic well water were estimated to be exposed to levels of nitrates exceeding the EPA safe drinking water limits; for community systems, the number was estimated to be 43,500 infants. Sources of nitrogen and nitrates may include runoff or seepage from fertilized agricultural lands, municipal and industrial waste water, refuse dumps, animal feedlots, septic tanks and private sewage disposal systems, urban drainage and decaying plant debris. Geologic formations and direction of ground water flow also may influence nitrate concentration.
pH- Knowing the pH level of your water can help you prevent secondary effects - If the acidity of your water is too high, corrosion can leach out lead from pipes and plumbing as well as damage your water supply system and water heater. pH test instructions
Hardness. Hard water is not a health hazard; in fact hard water is an excellent source of dietary calcium and magnesium. The problem with hard water is that lime scale builds up in pipes causing corrosion, reduce the efficiency of hot water heaters, increase water consumption when taking a bath (to remove soap), leave spotting and filming on dishes/cookware. If you have water hardness problems visit our Magnetizer Hard Water Conditioner page for the best solution to water hardness problems. Hardness test instructions