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SUNUS, LEVELUK R, K8, Leveluk DXII, Leveluk JRII, Leveluk SD501, SD501 Platinum, SUPER501, Leveluk SD501U.


Water Filtration Products

Kangen Water Research
Alkaline Health Books

Kangen Water Videos

Compatible Kangen Water Replacement Filters

HIGH Performance Filter
HIGH Performance HGN
PREMIUM Performance Filter
PREMIUM Performance HGN

ULTRA Performance Filter
ULTRA Performance HGN
UltraPremium Kangen Filter 
UltraPremium Kangen HGN Filter

Reusable Cleaning Cartridge

One Time Use HGN Cleaning Cart.
One Time Use Cleaning Cart.

REUSABLE Cleaning Cartridge
REUSABLE Cleaning HGN Cartridge Crystaline Cleaning Granules

Pre-filters & Housings

Diverters & Hoses


Shower Filters

Rainshower Shower Filter
Crystal Quest Shower Filter

Bath & Pool Filtration

Crystal Bath Ball Filter and Replacement Pouch

Whole House Filters


Singflo Water Pump

Testing Kits & Meters

Alkaline Water Test Kit
WaterSafe Test Kit
Fluoride/Chlorine Test Kit
pHydrion pH Test Paper

Health Books

Reverse Aging
Alkalize or Die

Powerful Magnets

Hard Water Magnetizer


One Time Use Citric Acid
Cleaning Cartridge HG

For Enagic Leveluk Kangen Water™ Machines Bought Before 2011

Shipping Information


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Many customers love our one tie use filter because it gives such a great clean. It holds more citric acid than the Reusable cleaning cartridge and does a better job for people who don't have a lot of time. This cleaning cartridge will help you keep your life giving kangen water machine giving you the optimum healing water your body hungers for. It is one of the best investments you will make.

Important: This is the regular version of the cleaning cartridge. You will notice that hasa perfect circle on the center hole on the bottom of the cartridge. It is important that you select the correct cartridge for your machine.

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